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Can Stress Affect a Relationship?

By: Jack Claridge - Updated: 7 Oct 2012 | comments*Discuss
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Stress can have an effect on a great many things; one of which is the relationship we have with those around us. In particular, stress can have a greatly destructive effect on our relationships with our partners if we are not prepared to accept the fact that there is a problem.Many marriages and relationships break down as a resultant factor of too much stress, which has been allowed to go unchecked.

Why Does Stress Affect a Relationship?

Marriages and relationships are built on the foundation of loving and understanding, but for some partners confiding in their husbands or wives that there is a problem is a daunting prospect. So much so in fact that many husbands or wives, boyfriends or girlfriends will try and struggle through a particular situation without telling those around them the nature of the problem.

Commonly this is attributed to problems with finances; many relationships crumble because of money worries and the fact that one or the other partner will not sit down and talk about the problem. Sometimes the problem of money can cause such an upset that bills are hidden or destroyed, either one of the pair are frightened to answer the door or the ability to manage money is greatly impaired leaving the whole family struggling to eat and live in a lifestyle perhaps once afforded to them.

Many people might find the notion of worrying about money trivial but for a large percentage of the population it is a day to day worry that can cause stress so severe that relationships break down or a partner can fall ill.

Relationships are built on trust and stress is one of the ways in which the barriers of trust can be broken down. Stress brings about the scenario of one partner lying to the other, acting out of character or indeed resorting to physical violence; lashing out as a means of avoiding the root of the stress’ original cause.

Stress Within the Relationship

Other factors in the break down of a relationship are incompatibility issues; sometimes couples get together and after the initial so-called ‘honeymoon period’ cracks appear in the relationship. This can lead to one or other of the parties in the relationship suffering from stress or depression because they feel trapped but do not have the courage to air their feelings with the other partner.

Also having a child can have a huge impact on the relationship between partners. The addition of a newborn to an otherwise quiet home can cause massive upheaval and bring high stress levels to all concerned. Sleepless nights, teething, and again the financial burden of having a child can cause stress levels to rise to dangerous proportions. This is more common in the mother who may – sometimes unbeknownst to even herself – be suffering from post natal depression.

Whatever the cause of the stress within a relationship; not sharing the problem with one another can lead to major problems and the problem that originally may have been something that could have been dealt with by both parties becomes something that fractures the stability of the relationship and ultimately brings it crashing down.

Avoiding a Break Up

Talk problems over, try and found a common ground on which to form agreements. Avoid arguing if you can, although this is difficult, no one disputes the fact. Don’t go to bed after arguing with your partner, a problem left to fester overnight can sometime seem more dramatic than it actually is. And most importantly, honesty is a must in a relationship – without honesty the relationship is destined never to survive.

Most of us know from experience that the old adage ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’ is quite right and certainly in terms of conducting a relationship with a partner we love and want to spend our lives with, this is as true as it is ever likely to be.

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