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Getting the Most From Your Job

By: Jack Claridge - Updated: 6 Oct 2012 | comments*Discuss
Stress Overcoming Stress Getting The

The three most common causes of stress in today’s busy society are:

  • Problems in the Workplace
  • Family Problems
  • Financial Difficulties
You will note from the aforementioned list that the most common cause of stress for any individual is that of problems in the workplace.

No one likes the idea of going to work in a place where they don’t get on with their work colleagues or they have a workload that is just too much for them to handle but unfortunately these are the things that cause most stress levels to rise to unacceptable if not dangerous proportions.

We all know how it feels to start work for an employer and to feel enthusiastic and motivated and then over time to feel deflated and – in some cases – have a fear or loathing to the job and this is because stress levels are allowed to rise and problems are not focused upon.

Getting the Most out of Work

Getting the most out of your job should consist of:
  • Job Satisfaction
  • Motivation
  • Enthusiasm
  • Self-AwarenessThese four things are vital for an individual to function well in the workplace and also to keep stress levels down to an acceptable if not minimal level.Let’s look at them in turn.

    Job Satisfaction

    Do you come home from work at the end of the day feeling you have achieved something or do you feel that it was just another day in the office? If the latter applies then there are a few things to consider:

    • Do you enjoy your job?
    • Did you ever enjoy the job or did you simply take it on because it was offered to you?
    • Have you been properly trained to do your job or are you just going through the motions hoping no one will notice that you lack experience in certain fields?
    This may all sound like common sense but they are questions that we tend not to ask ourselves because we won’t always like the answer.


    Did you once find that you went to work and gave the job one hundred per cent and now find you really can’t be bothered? If the answer to this is yes then perhaps you are suffering from stress and have yet to admit it to yourself or others around you.


    Do you still have that get-up-and-go feeling you had when you first started working where you are now? Do you throw yourself into the tasks you are given or do you approach them with a lacklustre attitude?


    Are you aware of any of the aforementioned being something that you have felt or feel on a regular basis? Are you prepared to admit to yourself that you are stressed or can’t manage your workload?

    Again the aforementioned may seem straightforward and common sense but if you are suffering from stress then they may well be things you refuse to acknowledge.

    Stress in the workplace normally comes from an inability to carry out your job to the best of your ability – be it because of your workload or because you have not received the proper training. Or simply because there is a clash of personalities among those you work alongside.

    Make Changes

    If any of these issues are the cause of you not getting the best from your job then it is imperative that you take the time to speak to your supervisor or boss and explain your concerns.

    An employer would far sooner you took the time out of your day to sit with him or her and discuss these matters than let them fester. In doing so all you are doing really is prolonging the agony for you and those around you. Likewise if you feel you need further training to help you do your job better discuss this with your employer.

    Not only will discussing outstanding issues with your supervisor or employer help to alleviate the problems in the workplace but they will also help you to alleviate your fears and ultimately your stress, which in turn will help you to do your job better and more importantly to get the most out of your job.

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