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Am I Stressed or Depressed?

By: Jack Claridge - Updated: 6 Oct 2012 | comments*Discuss
Stress Overcoming Stress Depression

At some time in all of our lives we have felt stressed a feeling brought about by finding ourselves in a situation not of our making, or a situation that involves things we cannot achieve.

Causes of Stress

More often than not we find ourselves stressed in the work place because we spend a large percentage of our adult lives in the work place. For those of us – and there are many – who have jobs of responsibility or importance to the well being of others; we find ourselves suffering daily from varying stress levels. We can feel slightly harassed one day and the next day feel as though the whole world is against us but these varying levels of stress are indicative of how things happen within certain situations.


Depression on the other hand is something that many people suffer from and for many of those who do suffer from the condition cannot accurately identify the reasons as to why they do.

Some sufferers of depression are highly emotive and highly susceptible to the feelings and emotions of those around them whilst other sufferers feel that they are living lives that are not fulfilled or bereft with difficulties.

While neither stress or depression are subjects to be taken lightly it is important to try and pin point the main differences between the two conditions as it is easy – and all too common – for them to be confused.

Similar Symptoms

Sufferers of stress and depression alike can lack sleep or the will to eat; likewise they can suffer from panic attacks (otherwise known as Panic Disorder) and problems with their health. Physical problems such as diabetes, loss of concentration, weight gain, and impotency are not uncommon in both individuals suffering from stress or depression.

But it is important that when diagnosing these conditions you tell your doctor as much as you can about your lifestyle and what is happening in your life at that particular time.

While sufferers of stress can often find their problems alleviated by means of alternative medicines and therapies such as aromatherapy, acupuncture and the likes; sufferers of depression can find that a more balanced medical approach is needed and this can normally take the form of a course of anti-depressants.


Again the differences in the two illnesses are as many as the similarities and it is important that the diagnosis is a correct one. For example administering a course of anti-depressants – or anti anxiety drugs – to a sufferer of stress can compound problems as not administering them to a sufferer of depression would have the same effect.

On an individual level we are all aware of what is happening with our bodies and minds but those who suffer from high levels of stress or depression can sometimes find it difficult to differentiate between feelings of well being and feelings of ill health.

Many sufferers of depression, for example, are often unaware of the fact they are suffering from depression and it can take the influence of a friend or loved one to help that person come to terms with – and seek help for – their problem.

Likewise with stress many sufferers will continue to struggle on; ultimately making their problem worse and turning it into a problem of not just the mind but the body as well as stress can manifest itself as one of many physical ailments if not treated.

We should all from time to time sit back and take stock of our lives. Are we constantly on the go? Are we exercising enough? Are we making time for ourselves and our loved ones? Are we eating properly and looking after ourselves?These may sound like simply questions and perhaps too obvious but it is important that we ask them of ourselves and those around us if we are to combat both stress and depression.

And also if we are fortunate enough not to suffer from either of these illnesses then it is important that we spare a thought for those around us who do and offer any help that we can to get them back on the road to recovery.

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